Hilgay with Southery Methodist Church

Hilgay Methodist Church

Hilgay with Southery Methodist Church is a welcoming country chapel with a good involvement in its local community. It is currently working towards gaining a Bronze Eco Church Award.

Address: High Street, Hilgay, PE38 0HX

Minister: Revd Paul Critchley

Sunday Services: 10.30 a.m.

Church related activities

Bi-monthly village coffee morning 10.00a.m until 11.30 the last Thursday of the month . (Jan, March, May, July, Sept & Nov)
Contact Mrs Lesley Dent 01366 387337

Wesley Guild meets fortnightly Tuesdays at 2.30p.m. from October to Easter
contact Mrs Pauline Driver 01366 387317

Look out for our special events during the year all ages welcome, such as our popular Shrove Tuesday pancake party, Green Saturday or Arty Crafty Café .
For details, contact Mrs Lesley Dent, Church Council Secretary (01366 385986)

Bookings -- Mrs Pauline Driver 01366 387317

Accessibility at Hilgay:

The Methodist Church wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for. In order to allow for widest possible access, this church has the following facilities available:

  • Wheelchair Accessible Access
  • Accessible Toilet
  • Large Print

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Contact Info


Please use the contact information on the individual church pages for contacting us.

About US

Registered Charity No. 1136177


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