North Lynn Methodist Church - The Beacon
The Beacon Church is a place for everyone in North Lynn. A friendly and inclusive ecumenical congregation (Methodist & Anglican partnership) work closely with the wider community to make The Beacon home not only to a welcoming place of worship, but also both a well-loved Community Hub and Café in the heart of North Lynn.
Address: Losinga Road, King’s Lynn, PE30 2DH
Sunday Services: 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays 10.30am.
2nd Sundays 'Filling Station' 5pm (bring and share meal plus crafty and interactive, reflective prayer activities)
Follow this link to find The Beacon's weekly newsletter, Facebook page, Facebook group and contact information.
Follow The Beacon's Facebook Page here.
Minister: The Revd Jon Price.
Telephone: 07542 435094
The Beacon Café, Open Wednesdays & Fridays 9am - 2pm / Saturdays 10am - 3pm (volunteer run, affordable menu, free toddler soft play area)
Bible Study, Tuesdays 7pm (Newlands Avenue)
North Lynn Food Hub (social supermarket), Open Wednesdays & Fridays 12 - 2pm
Roots 'n' Shoots Gardening Hub, Wednesdays 11am & Thursdays 1.30pm
Coffee on the Couch, (free coffee morning) Thursdays 10 - 11.30am
Community Meal, (free evening meal cooked by alternating community members) Thursdays 5pm
Pizza Projects Youth Drop In, Fridays 3.30 -5pm
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers Wednesday evenings
See latest newsletter/Facebook page for specific dates of:
Regular Saturday morning markets and table top sales
Regular Prize Bingo Nights
Regular children's events/activities during school holidays
Regular seasonal community events (eg Christmas events / Summer fairs)
Accessibility at North Lynn:
The Methodist Church wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for. In order to allow for widest possible access, this church has the following facilities available:
- Wheelchair Accessible Access
- Accessible Toilet
- Loop